Having the team experienced in performing more than 350 site-wide noise guarantees is one reason why we are leaders in noise control solutions. The other reason, it’s all about the details. EnergyLink is proud to share that we have completed a tonal noise analysis for a new power plant as part of our noise guarantee for our client.
To ensure that tonal noise is not emitted to nearby residential areas, our team visited a power plant operated by our client which has an identical turbine unit to the future plant. Gustavo Elgueta – Noise Emissions SME, performed near field noise measurements to detect pure tones near several pieces of equipment. Using this data, Gustavo Elgueta updated the sound power level of sources with tonal components and calculated the 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels at the facility nearest residential receptors using leading noise propagation modelling software.
The results of this analysis in conjunction with prior ambient noise monitoring Guarantees that the gas turbine power plant near Omaha will not produce tonal noise at residential properties. Guaranteeing high-quality solutions for our clients that exceed their expectations is another way that EnergyLink is connecting you to a better way.